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Lifestyle: My Simple Swaps For Greener Life

By Radha Mishra

September 30, 2024 at 8:25:00 PM

An assortment of bottles and spoons surrounded by leaves, symbolizing eco-friendly choices for a sustainable future.

Discover how simple changes can make a difference in your daily life and our planet.

Embracing an environmentally friendly lifestyle doesn't have to be overwhelming. Even simple daily choices can make a significant impact - a fact I discovered firsthand. I am not a hard-core environmentalist claiming to have everything figured out—I am just an individual trying to do my bit.

As my awareness of environmental crises grew, so did my desire to be more mindful of my decisions. As I began moving toward a greener life, I became increasingly confident that even the smallest action could contribute to a healthier planet and a more fulfilling existence.

Here are sustainable swaps and intentional choices that have significantly transformed my life and helped me adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Recycling and reusing:

I love receiving biryani in an earthen pot, ice cream in a glass jar, and chocolates or nuts in tin boxes. As soon as I get them, I start thinking about how I can repurpose these containers. I use the earthen pots for cooking or planting, the glass jars for kitchen storage, and the tin boxes for keeping household items or my accessories.

There are countless ways to repurpose or use them for DIY projects and give them a fresh look. Recycling can substantially reduce the need for new raw materials globally. For example, recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy required to produce new aluminum, and recycling paper saves around 60% of the energy compared to making it from virgin pulp​​.

Effective waste management, including recycling and reusing, is crucial in mitigating climate change.

Reusable shopping bag:

Ditching plastic bags for reusable shopping bags is a great way to be more environmentally friendly. Making this simple switch can have a considerable impact. I always keep my sturdy, durable shopping bag at the entrance door so I remember to carry it when I go shopping.

Over one trillion single-use plastic bags are used worldwide yearly, many of which end up in landfills, oceans, and other natural environments. They can take hundreds of years to decompose.

Reusable bags, however, can be used multiple times and are often made from materials like cloth, canvas, or recycled plastic. They have a much smaller environmental footprint than single-use plastic bags​. One study found that if everyone in the United States switched to reusable bags, it could save hundreds of millions of plastic bags annually.

When I carry my reusable bag, it feels good to know I am not adding to the plastic waste pile every time I go grocery shopping.

Shopping responsibly and sustainably:

Since learning about the environmental impact of clothing and fast fashion on the planet, I have become more conscious when shopping. I now carefully choose every item for my family and myself. I prefer to shop from sustainable brands, even though they may be more expensive. My motto is to buy fewer items but of higher quality.

Shopping responsibly and reducing global waste involves making conscious choices about our purchases and how we utilize products. Massive waste comes from packaging materials and disposable items, so adopting a "buy less" mentality can significantly lessen this.

The fast fashion industry produces 92 million tons of trash yearly, much of which is in landfills. By buying fewer, higher-quality clothing items and supporting brands that focus on sustainability, I feel good contributing to reducing this waste.

Eating more green than meat and dairy:

My family and I have incorporated more vegetables, beans, pulses, and grains into our diet. Meat or fish is now rare and occasional, and we have comfortably maintained this lifestyle for years.

The demand for meat has tripled over the past 50 years, and the world now produces more than 350 million tonnes of meat each year. Animal agriculture contributes to 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, and meat and dairy products produce much higher greenhouse gas emissions. Among meats, beef, lamb, and mutton are exceptionally high emitters.

A UN report on climate change found that shifting away from meat consumption and towards plant-based diets on a global scale could significantly boost the planet's ability to fight climate change.

Plant-based diets deliver all the essential protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health. They are often higher in fiber and phytonutrients.

Just know that a plant-based diet is not a vegetarian or vegan diet. So you can eat smaller chunks of poultry, beef, eggs, fish, and dairy products. This works perfectly well for us.

Practicing minimalism in life:

Having fewer choices can bring more peace than juggling between many. I wanted to end the cycle of acquiring more items, getting bored, and desiring even more. I have chosen to prioritize quality over quantity for our ultimate peace.

Embracing minimalism has had a profoundly positive impact on my life. Rather than making hasty purchases, I now take the time to assess whether I truly need something. I will proceed with the purchase if I still find it necessary after a few months. This mindful approach has prevented me from making impulsive buys, acquiring items I don't need, and ultimately discarding them.

According to NAPO, 80% of the items people keep have never been used. Refraining from purchasing those items can significantly reduce the negative impact on the planet. Reducing consumption is essential since 45% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from people's daily consumption. For example, fast fashion encourages buyers to buy more low-quality clothing.

Also, when I declutter, I often donate or repurpose items, keeping them in use and out of landfills. This practice not only reduces waste but also encourages more sustainable consumption patterns.

Plants are my forever friend:

We love greenery in homes, offices, balconies, or terraces. Adding a few plants can give any place a positive vibe, instantly uplifting the mood and offering spaces a calming feel.

Bringing plants into our homes undoubtedly contributes to the well-being of the planet. It helps support healthy ecosystems and provides other benefits. Ultimately, it contributes to the overall health and survival of all living organisms.

Indoor plants enhance air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. According to a NASA study, houseplants can eliminate up to 87% of airborne toxins within 24 hours.

Plants release moisture through transpiration, which increases humidity levels in dry indoor spaces. This natural humidifying effect can reduce the need for electronic humidifiers, saving energy and reducing electricity consumption. According to a study, the presence of plants can increase indoor humidity levels by up to 10%, making homes more comfortable and energy-efficient.

Stainless steel and glassware:

I switched from single-use plastic items to glass or stainless steel alternatives at home and in the kitchen. This transformation required time and planning, but I persevered. It's incredible how much plastic we can eliminate by being mindful in our homes.

Plastic household items contribute significantly to global waste, with an estimated 300 million tons produced annually worldwide. Much of this waste comes from everyday household items such as containers, utensils, and packaging.

Plastics take a long time to decompose. Switching to eco-friendly alternatives like stainless steel and glass can significantly mitigate this issue. Stainless steel and glass are highly durable and recyclable, reducing the need for frequent replacements and subsequent waste generation.

Glass containers offer a safer and more sustainable option for food storage. Unlike some plastics, they are non-toxic and do not leach chemicals.

Menstrual cup:

I have been using a menstrual cup for several years now, and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Globally, menstrual products contribute to substantial waste and pollution.

Every year, around 12.3 billion used sanitary pads are dumped in India. In the U.K., around 200,000 tonnes of menstrual waste is generated annually. Nearly 20 billion sanitary napkins, tampons, and applicators are dumped into North American landfills annually.

The average woman uses over 11,000 tampons over her lifetime, leaving behind residue far beyond her lifetime​. These pads and waste may take 250 to 800 years to decompose; in some cases, they may never fully break down.

Conversely, menstrual cups are reusable and made from medical-grade silicone, rubber, or elastomer. They can last up to 10 years. A single menstrual cup can replace hundreds of disposable pads or tampons, drastically reducing waste​​. As they last long financially, menstrual cups offer long-term savings.

Swapping to a menstrual cup was a sound choice for me, both personally and environmentally. It took time initially, but I got used to it in a few months. Knowing that it's a safe and hygienic option for my health and can significantly reduce environmental waste made the switch worth it.

Bamboo toothbrush, hair, and makeup brush:

I swapped out my plastic toothbrush, hair, and makeup brush for bamboo ones. Plastic toothbrushes contribute significantly to global waste, with billions ending in landfills and oceans yearly. In the U.S. alone, more than one billion plastic toothbrushes are thrown away yearly, resulting in about 50 million pounds of waste that can take hundreds of years to decompose.

Bamboo brushes are biodegradable and compostable. They naturally decompose and do not contribute to long-term waste. Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on Earth, requiring minimal water and no pesticides, making it a highly sustainable resource.

Choosing bamboo over plastic can significantly reduce plastic waste, promote sustainable farming practices, and support ethical sourcing​.

My journey to environmentally friendly swaps for a greener life has been filled with small, impactful changes. These eco-friendly swaps and green alternatives have significantly enhanced my habits and environmental consciousness. From swapping disposable items for reusable products, plastic-free options, and sustainable living to embrace low-impact living, mindful consumption, and recycling, each step has brought me closer to a more zero-waste lifestyle.

The benefits have extended beyond reducing environmental footprint. I have found a sense of accomplishment, which drives me to make more changes to enrich my life. I am continually inspired to seek new ways to enhance my eco-friendly lifestyle.

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Radha Mishra
Radha Mishra

Editorial Assistant at Ecomilli

Radha Mishra is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of newsroom experience. Now working independently, she is passionate about covering issues that matter. She strives to deliver accurate and impactful stories to audiences globally.

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